Linking software

ASM archive


IR Link


PIC16x84 programmer


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IR Link Photos

Here can be found the photo of the first link made by me, a photo of a kit assembled by Scott Pierce , 3 photos of a link built by Brad Williams and 4 other photos of a one built by Antoine Mercier.

This picture shows the top view of a device built using the kit.

This is a photo of a kit assembled by Scott Pierce . Note that there are 4 resistors under the PIC (Thanks to Thomas Koglbauer  for the idea)


This picture shows the front view of a device made by Brad Williams.


This picture shows the back view of a built made by Brad Williams.


This picture shows the a device built by Brad Williams connected to a TI86.


This picture shows the case of a device built by Antoine Mercier. It is a special case the IR can cross it (no hole) and measures 80*60*24 mm.


This picture shows the main side and the 3 switches used in a device built by Antoine Mercier.


This picture shows the case opened.


This picture shows the circuit itself.

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Author : Sami Khawam